JFlvLib is a library that allows writing of Flash Videos (FLV format).
To use library user instantiates Capture instance using CaptureFactory class.
Capture c = CaptureFactory.getCapturer( os , new Dimension(xx , yy) ) ;
Capture interface provides 2 methods:
// generates new frame in compatible format for writing frame
BufferedImage newFrame();
// writes a frame to FLV stream
void writeFrame( BufferedImage image , int timestamp ) throws IOException;
At this stage library implements video only, SCREENVIDEO_CODEC and it generates only key frames. This is good for producting videos but they are larger than they need to be.
That's it.
Optimize FLV creation writing not only keyframes but also interframes.
Implement other codecs (JPEG, H263, ...)
Add audio support
package edu.mit.star.flvexample;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import edu.mit.star.flv.Capture;
import edu.mit.star.flv.CaptureFactory;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
OutputStream os = new java.io.FileOutputStream( "z:\\temp\\test.flv" );
int xx = 256 ;
int yy = 512 ;
Capture c = CaptureFactory.getCapturer( os , new Dimension(xx , yy) ) ;
int time = 0 ;
while( time < 5000 )
BufferedImage image = c.newFrame() ;
image.getGraphics().drawOval(0, 0, xx*time/5000, yy*time/5000);
c.writeFrame(image, time);
time += 250;
System.out.println( "Generating " + time + " ms frame.");
catch( IOException ex )